Monday, February 27, 2012

Building local area network

  Building local area network .

To build local area network there are two methods  to build LAN. LAN can be built 1-1-client to client.
2-server to client.

Now, this research will be explained client to client then server to client.

1- Client to client

Client to client means designing network between computers with out administration for the network.
There are two main types of local network architecture:
  • Wired networks, based on the Ethernet technology, which represent almost all local area networks. Given that Ethernet networks generally use RJ45 cables, people often talk of RJ45 networks;
  • Wireless networks, which generally use the WiFi technology.
First of all run network configuration wizard on each computer. For this go to Start->Control Panel->Network connection area and click on Set up home or small office network.

Now you have to set IP addresses on computers. Go to Start->Control panel->Network connection and click right mouse button on Local area Connection icon. In popup menu click Properties.

In the table find Internet protocol (TPC/IP) select it then click Properties.

In the box click on Use the following IP address and set IP address and Subnet mask. Ip address by default can be and Subnet Mask Make sure that the fourth number section of IP address is different on each computer. For instance, first computer’s IP: second computer’s
Then click Ok

Now we can connect computers.
We need to connect computers with network cable. Connect network cable to LAN ports of network cards on both computers.

Restart both computers if needed. Now you made network between two computers.Note! Usually you don’t need to enter IP Addresses and you don’t need to restart computers to make network connection. XP is capable to detect network connection automatically and assign IP addresses automatically. All you have to do is to connect network cable
2-server to client.
To  design network in server to client method you need to install windows server. Windows Server 2003 operating systems take the best of Windows 2000 Server technology and make it easier to deploy, manage, and use. The result: a highly productive infrastructure that helps make your network a strategic asset for your organization.Windows Server 2003 SP2 provides enhanced security, increased reliability, and a simplified administration to help enterprise customers across all industries.

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition Requirements

Standard edition
Enterprise edition
Datacenter edition
Web edition
Minimum CPU speed
133 MHZ
133 MHZ
400 MHZ
133 MHZ
Recommended CPU speed
550 MHZ
733 MHZ
733 MHZ
550 MHZ
Minimum RAM
128 MB
128 MB
512 MB
128 MB
Maximum RAM
4 GB
32 GB
64 GB
2 GB
Multiprocessor support
Up to 4
Up to 8
Up to 8
Up to 2
Disk space for set-up
1.5 GB
2.0 GB
1.5 GB

Steps of installing server:
Everything has steps to be done like designing network in server to client method.
1.      Installing windows server .
2.      Configuring TCP/IP.
3.      Configuring DNS.
4.      Configuring DHCP.
5.      Connecting server to other computers by UTP.
6.      Set-up the network.